Algae are tiny plant-like organisms that make the water appear green and the walls with dark black spots. The slimy organisms replicate fast and can be a nuisance if you do not take proper caution.
Although it is not risky to swim in a pool with algae, it is an indication that things are not right, and we recommend that you avoid it at all costs. The reason is that the water could be lacking enough chlorine, a bad filter, or the presence of phosphates in the water.
Types of algae common in pools
• Green Algae (Chlorophyta): It appears green in color and is caused by inadequate sanitization, lack of filtration, and high pH levels. It is the most straightforward kind of algae to eliminate.
• Yellow Algae (Mustard): It has a semblance to pollen or sand. It is commonly found on the walls in areas that receive insufficient sunshine. It is a very stubborn kind of algae and requires high levels of chlorine and acids to remove.
• Black Algae: This kind of algae appears like small dark spots on the wall of your pool. Suppose you have encountered the yellow algae, and you thought it was difficult to treat. Think again.
The black algae grow fast and usually attach their roots to the walls making them very hard to remove. You require not only concentrated chlorine but also a firm brush to rub it off.
How To Get Rid of Algae From A Swimming Pool
There are different ways of algae removal from your pool depending on the type and mechanism available to you.
• Scrubbing
You can get rid of the green algae by physically brushing the walls and the floor where the algae are. Additionally, you should add chlorine to raise the acidity and lower the pH levels. However, the exclusive addition of chemicals may not be useful without scrubbing.
• Use of a Vacuum
An automated pool cleaner helps to clean off algae. However, you need to direct to areas with algae, ensure waste disposal, and avoid recirculation.
• Test the Pool Waters
You should use test strips or kits to test the alkalinity and pH of the water. Once you have obtained the results, you need to balance the water chemistry to ensure the chemicals used effectively for algae removal.
• Shock the Pool
Apply a chlorine shock to the pool or use a lot of calcium hypochlorite. It is good to avoid stabilized chlorine since it inhibits the sanitizers leading to more algae.
It is important to note that the sun kills chlorine. Therefore, you should perform shocks at night for the best performance.
• Filtering
The shock treatment helps to kill algae making the water cloudy blue. It is, therefore, advisable to run your filter consistently for eight hours until the water is clear.
• Use Flocculant
The flocculant chemical settles small particles, including algae, at the bottom of the pool. Afterward, you can apply a vacuum to get them off your pool.
• Use Algaecide
The algaecides help to kill algae. However, you may require particular types when dealing with the black algae.
It is best practice for you to treat algae as soon as you notice them. The older they get, the harder they become to remove and the more expensive it gets.